Official reactions on President Iohannis’s request to stage referendum


The Senate’s President, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu says that the Standing Bureau will analyse the head of state’s request on organising a referendum and the legal steps will be followed, but adds that using the theme of fighting corruption president Iohannis „”puts an unwanted label on Romania.”

He explained that by approaching the topic of fighting corruption, the president „makes a strategic mistake and brings a lot of harm to the perception the Romanians and the foreigners do have about our country.”

The Internal Affairs Minister, Carmen Daniela Dan says in southern Alexandria on Tuesday that a referendum right now is not a priority for the Romanian state, adding that the observance of promises made by the current Government in the electoral campaign should come first.

Dan adds that depending of he decision that will be made regarding the referendum on pardon, the institution she is heading „will do whatever it takes legally so the referendum will run transparently and with legal conditions’ observance.”

The National Liberal Party (PNL, opposition) demands the Parliament to start relevant procedures to issue a favourable viewpoint on the referendum initiated by president Klaus Iohannis.

The People’s Movement Party (PMP, opposition) president, former Romania president, senator Traian Basescu says on the referendum that it is a theme included in the National Security Strategy as approved by the Supreme Council for Country’s Defence (CSAT), passed by Parliament at Iohannis’s request and also included in the Anti-corruption Strategy on 2016-2020, adopted through a Government Decision by the Dacian Ciolos Cabinet itself.

The Bucharest City Mayor, social-democrat Gabriela Firea believes that the initiative of President Klaus Iohannis on organising a referendum on the amendment of the criminal legislation is a „hypocritical approach” only aimed to commence „the very early presidential election’s electoral campaign.”

President Klaus Iohannis sent a letter to the two heads of the Parliament chambers by which he announces he has launched the procedure on a national referendum through which the people are called to express their will regarding the furthering of the fight against corruption and the assurance of the public job’s integrity, says a release by the Presidential Administration.



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