Former PM Ciolos: Cuza’s unit should be applied even today for incalculable material values


The unit of Cuza (known as ‘ocaua lui Cuza’ – editor’s note) should be as well applied today for values that cannot be materially measured, included, such as the fundamental rights and freedoms, says the former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos in a message on Tuesday, written on his Facebook page.

„The political leaders have the privilege to contribute in modesty and dedication to strengthen the community, by consolidating its values and principles through their own example, through deeds, through ideas. They are not there to fight for their personal interests or to offer privileges to the proteges. The ephemeral ruling they have, the peoples’ confidence could not be used as shield against the law. The pride of a people is not about ego, but about dignity, about promoting such values and principles that define us. Established on truth and respect to ourselves, dignity is difficult to gain, resisting the compromises that could harm its very foundations. We cannot defend and promote the fundamental rights and freedoms as long as different measure units exist. The unit of Cuza should have application currently, too, included for values that cannot be materially measured, but that are way more precious and more difficult to defend,” says Ciolos.

He adds that he wishes the Romanians to „live in dignity and show tolerance towards the differences among us, to not transform the confrontations of ideas into hatred, to keep alive those things that are binding us! I invite you to believe that this country is more than a sum of individualities, that its values cannot be reduced to the lowest common denominator, that its future and our future as a people are way more important that the political or party interests of the moment. Happy New Year, Romania!”


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